About Live the Health You Want

Here is a good place to find information about living your best health. We can always improve our health; the body is designed to heal. Are you at your peak performance? Are you satisfied with your fitness level? Do you eat for the benefit of your body or your tastebuds? Start by taking our free Self-Assessment And jump down this rabbit hole of energy medicine and optimal health habits with us.. ..where we explore the workings of this marvelous body we're each given one of, and how to best take care of it, for the rest of our lives, to provide it's needs as best we can for as long as we live.. Most of our body's systems work on autopilot as far as we're consciously concerned; we could never direct this many simultaneous operations!
We require:
- Good air
- Hydration
- Individualized nutrition
- Exercise
- Quality Sleep
We also greatly benefit when we add PEMF(Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) therapy. I personally use the BEMER product; it's therapy for the blood! I'll share my BEMER success story later, but first you need to know this: I was amazed to learn that 75% of our blood is in the micro-capillaries! Red blood can cells stack up, and when I first saw a video of this, I was shocked! Before PEMF therapy, the blood was going glug-glug-glug very slowly into the capillaries; then, after eight minutes, the blood flow was moving at a strong and speedy pace. What this means is that more oxygen (up to 30%) and nutrients are delivered to the cell and carbon dioxide and waste products are secreted. More ATP is created, especially during exercise and the body is primed for healing and improvement. Everyone has their very own health journey. Need help? Let us know❤️ Stephanie Shorr
Email Stephanie : steff@stephanieshorr.com
Private Consultations and Programs available. Contact Stephanie by email: steff@stephanieshorr.com or Submit the Request below.